
Hollingshead, Dearden & Associates provides professional business valuation opinions.  Using multiple valuation methods, our well supported opinions are prepared to withstand IRS review.  We have decades of experience working both for tax payers and for the Internal Revenue Service.  Several of our reports (Gallagher, Giustina, Mitchell, Richmond, Slone, Alexander, Tanenblatt, Becker, Moore etc.) have been utilized in U.S. Tax Court as expert testimony.   We have assisted with reviews and critiques, trial preparation, direct and cross examination questions, briefs, and other trial support.  We have reputations for independent, unbiased, and well-supported valuation opinions.  We value operating companies, holding companies, Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs), Partnerships, intellectual property, and other business entities for many industries.


Our valuations support many purposes including:

Estate tax
Estate planning (gifting)
Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)
IRC 409A deferred compensation
ASC 718 compensation – stock compensation
Litigation support
Divorce, partner disputes, dissolution
Corporate planning
Merger/acquisition & sale/purchase
Solvency opinions
ASC 805 Purchase price allocation
ASC 350 Intangible assets
Voting/non-voting stock
C to S corporation conversion
Incentive stock option plans
Charitable donations
Buy / Sell Agreements